Aggregate Testing Service

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  1. Sieve Analysis of coarse and fine aggregate ASTM C136
  2. Percentage of Material passing Sieve 200 ASTM C117
  3. Soundness ASTM C88
  4. Loss Angles Abrasion Test ASTM C131
  5. Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregates ASTM C127
  6. Specific Gravity & Absorption of Fine Aggregates ASTM C128
  7. Clay lumps & Friable Particles ASTM C142
  8. Sand Equivalent Value ASTM
  9. Thin & Elongated Pieces ASTM
  10. PH Value of Sulphate & Chloride
  11. Unit Weight ASTM C29
  12. Organic Impurities for Fine Aggregates ASTM C40
  13. Chemical Analysis of Sand Blast I/C Loss of ignition

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