Asian Geomats

Aggregate Testing SERVICES


  • Sieve Analysis of coarse and fine aggregate ASTM C136
  • Percentage of Material passing Sieve 200 ASTM C117
  • Soundness ASTM C88
  • Loss Angles Abrasion Test ASTM C131
  • Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregates ASTM C127
  • Specific Gravity & Absorption of Fine Aggregates ASTM C128
  • Clay lumps & Friable Particles ASTM C142
  • Sand Equivalent Value ASTM
  • Thin & Elongated Pieces ASTM
  • PH Value of Sulphate & Chloride
  • Unit Weight ASTM C29
  • Organic Impurities for Fine Aggregates ASTM C40
  • Chemical Analysis of Sand Blast I/C Loss of ignition
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